Building Worlds, Sharing Rewards

Transparent Revenue Sharing for Creators

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DevCon RevShare is a system which tracks all contributions made to the development of a video game. The contributions are made in the form of both Labor and Fiat. Each Contributor's value is tracked from the inception of the project, providing them with a percentage of the Sharable Revenue.
Real-time Contribution Tracking

Transparently monitor and track each developer's contributions. Transparency is the name of the game! A redacted version of the entire ledger is available to every Contributor.

Contributor Payment for Work

All contributions to a Project are paid in either Fiat Compensation or DevCon Credits. When Fiat is paid, the Contributor does not increase their share of revenue, and instead is paid in cash through their specified Payment Method.

Revenue Sharing Mechanism

All contributions are tracked in the Project Ledger. A Contributor's DevCon Credits are used to obtain LTS and STS which are paid out as a portion of the Net Receipts each period.

A Sample Case Study

Contributors have access to period statements that clearly displays all a Projects finances, down to the last penny! Let's take a look at what sort of data is provided.
Contributor Statment Infographic

Gross Receipts

All the money a project receives from all types of monetization. This could include initial sales, micro-transactions, or subscriptions.



Entries for all the development expenses. You will see the cost of expenses such as hardware, software, and fiat payments to every Contributor--names redacted of course!


Net Receipts

Once the relevant and predefined expenses have been reduced from the Gross Receipts, the system automatically distributes the balance to Contributors.


The Split

The Net Receipts are split into a Stakeholder Cut or Shareable Revenue bucket. The last remaining step is to distribute the money in each buck to the project Contributors.

View a Sample Statement

The Payments

The end of each period triggers automatic distributions to Contributors. The Long Term Shares and Short Term Shares are used to calculate each Contributors payout.

The Project Ledger allows Contributors to gain insight on how money is spent to develop a project. This data is helpful for Contributors to feel connected with a project.

Compensation Type

All the money a project receives from all types of monetization. This could include initial sales, micro-transactions, or subscriptions.

Departmental Spending

Each department cost is clearly represented as a part of the entire project budget.

The DevCon RevShare program provides unique features for Project Owners and Contributors. Use the following list of terms to help you navigate your exploration of the program.